Wednesday 23 September 2015

Raj Yoga method- Connect to GOD

Think yourself a soul , a tiny point of light and remember GOD as a tiny point of light. The moment you do so you become connected to him........
  • Energy / powers start flowing from Him to You. 
  • The purifying process of the soul starts automatically. Virtues start pouring in replacing the evils or weaknesses.
  • Fortune comes and brings bliss, peace, love, happiness, etc. with it.
  • We start getting more than what can we imagine.
अंतर्मुखी हो कर, स्वयं को ज्योतिबिंदु आत्मा समझ कर , ज्योतिबिंदु परमात्मा को याद करते ही हम उससे जुड़ जाते हैं और .....
  • उसकी शक्तियों का प्रवाह हम में होने लगता है. 
  • इससे आत्मा का शुद्धिकरण होता है. अवगुण बाहर होने लगते हैं और गुणों का आगमन होता है. 
  • भाग्य का उदय होता है और सुख- शांति,  प्रेम व आनंद की अनुभूतियाँ बढ़ने लगती हैं.
  • हमें उससे भी अधिक मिलने लगता है जितनी  हम उम्मीद करते हैं. 

Tension Free Life

Friday 18 September 2015

Why we worship?

मोक्ष, मुक्ति, जीवन मुक्ति Liberation

Moksh means freedom of human soul from the cycle of birth and death. When we agree that soul is eternal then it is bound to take birth. So thinking of Moksh is impractical.

Mukti means freedom of human soul from the current cycle of births and reaching GOD's home which is human souls' own real and original home. Here the souls do not have power of thinking and expressing themselves. It can not think or do anything, just stays near GOD. The stage of Mukti is also not for ever. After recharge and some rest in peace the soul has to take birth on earth.

Jeevan Mukti means complete freedom of human soul from pains and sorrows while still living in its body. This is the state of real and pure happiness for the soul. This state is attained in the beginning of a fresh or new cycle of births i.e. Satyug- The Golden World, Heaven on earth, the Paradise.

So Human souls should strive for Jeevan Mukti not for Moksh.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Be ego-less, be vice-less

Our Ego says......
How can one say these words to me? 
How can one misunderstand me? 
How can one think wrong of me?
How can one disrespect me?

These thoughts are followed by pain and hurt.


Tuesday 8 September 2015

Raj Yoga-How to remember GOD?

Remember GOD as told below.

To experience BLISS consider Him your child and play with him.
To become KNOWLEDGEful make Him your teacher, ask his opinion before any decision.
To experience PEACE think as if He is your mother and you are in his lap.
To experience LOVE make Him your Sajan / Beloved / Lover.
To experience JOY consider Him your companion / friend and talk your heart to him. 
To attain PURITY let Him become your preceptor / spiritual guide / Satguru.
To get POWERS remember him as your father and get powers similar to Him.

Angel , Farishta

Who is an angel / Farishta?

Angel is one who is light because---

  • He is not hurt, whatever is said to him, because he is ego-less and he forgives easily. He does not have expectations or demands from others.
  • He is not heavy with past's  memories.
  • He is not worried about future.
  • He surrenders everything to GOD.
  • He helps everybody, does not hurt anybody, therefore is loved by everybody.
  • He thinks himself a soul and is not body conscious.
  • He thinks himself GOD's child. So he always tries to attain godly virtues and remains away from worldly evils / vices.
  • Who is always remembering GOD Shiva- the supreme father, the supreme soul.