Monday 23 November 2015

कर्म पर ही अधिकार है।

अर्थ है की कर्म पर ही नियंत्रण है, फल  मिलता है किन्तु  उसका रूप  व समय हम निर्धारित नहीं कर सकते।  
Karmanyevadhikaaraste--The right sense of it.
This Bhagvat Geeta's Shloka is usually misunderstood.

World's most stable mind.

In 1978, Scientists at the Medical and Science Research Institute at the University of Texas, USA examined the brain wave pattern of Dadi Janki. She was described as the most stable mind in the world as her mental state remained completely undisturbed even while performing complicated mental exercises. 
The EEG (Electroencephalogram) of that lady continuously showed delta waves, while she was cooking, while eating, while giving lecture, while doing arithmetical calculations, while talking, while sleeping, all the time. 
She is now 100 yrs old.

Satyam-Shivam -Sundaram

Statues are of deities (Devi devta).

Thursday 19 November 2015

Raj Yoga-Magic of remembering of God

पूजा पाठ नहीं बल्कि लगातार ईश्वर की याद हमें सौभाग्यशाली बनाती है, हमारा चरित्र सुधारती है, हमें सम्माननीय बनती है, शांति व ख़ुशी लाती है, हमें सुरक्षित रखती है, हमरी कार्यक्षमता बढाती है और जीवन को आसान व बेहतर बनती है.

शुभकामना- अर्थ /Good wishes for all

In the present age of Kalyuga all souls are like dried up flowers. 
We should water them all with our good wishes.
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina sarve Bhavantu Niramaya- May all be happy and healthy.
When people around us will be happy and peaceful only then they will allow us to be happy and peaceful.

The sixteen arts (सोलह कलाएँ)

How many arts have you mastered?

As a soul increases its duration of connecting with God through meditation, various arts start emerging from within.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Lose inner weight and fly

What makes us (soul) heavy ?
  • Jealousy and Anger
  • Repenting on past
  • Attachment with things and people.
  • Hurt which is always created by our ego, others are only stimuli.
  • Loss - monitory or other
  • Expectations from others and self. 
  • Not accepting circumstances and people as they are.
  • Not forgiving

Emotional blockages

Emotional blockages are your suppressed or unexpressed emotions. Emotional blockages stop your progress, block your improvements and make you unhappy or miserable. They make your innerself stuck to the past. They may be your failures, your guilts / wrong doings, breakups with certain people and other such events which make you sorrowful whenever you recall. Many times you may not be able to recall but feel uneasy without any reason. Meditation helps you know 'what is actually bothering you.'