Thursday 25 June 2020

संस्कृतीकरण / Sanskritization

संस्कृतीकरण भारत में देखा जाने वाला विशेष तरह का सामाजिक परिवर्तन है। इसका मतलब है वह प्रक्रिया जिसमें जातिव्यवस्था में निचले पायदान पर स्थित जातियाँ, रहन सहन और संस्कार परिवर्तन द्वारा, ऊँचा उठने का प्रयास करती हैं। ऐसा करने के लिए  उच्च या प्रभावी जातियों के रीति-रिवाज़ या प्रचलनों को भी अपनाया जाता है  । शाकाहार को अपनाना, प्रतिदिन स्नान करना, साफ़ वस्त्र पहनना, आदि इसके कुछ उदाहरण हैं. इसका उद्देश्य होता है पहले से बेहतर व अधिक सम्मानजनक जीवन जीना. 

Saturday 13 June 2020

Corona and God

किसी ने लिखा है...
कहाँ बैठ कर लिख रहा है लेख सारा
खुदा हमको तो तूने हैरान कर दिया
कड़ी रह गई रेलें बसें और जहाज
फ़ालतू पल में सारा सामान कर दिया
सब आस्तिक नास्तिक देख रहे हैं
मालिक एक है ये तूने ऐलान कर दिया
एक मिनट का जिसके पास समय न था
कैद घरों में वो इंसान  दिया
अब तेरी रज़ा है और तू ही जानता है
हमारा क्या फायदा क्या नुकसान कर दिया 

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Letter to God

Have you ever written a letter to GOD?  What is the address? Where to post? How will those reach? Who will deliver? Does he read?  Will he reply? Will he respond? Will he do something? Should we wait for reply?
I have written many. Because I know him. Because I have seen him. Because I have felt him. Because I have experienced him. Because he is my supreme father. Because I know where does he live. Because I know his occupation. Because I know his knowledge and qualities. Because I know his powers. Because he wants us to communicate with him. Because I believe in him. Because for me he is a reality, not just a faith.

Take a paper and a pen, address your father......

O my loving supreme father......I am writing this with full knowledge that the content will reach you.....Dear Baba or Papa.....I want to tell that now a days this and this is happening with me......and i am not able to share it with anybody except you.......I know you love me......I have done a mistake..... I know you will forgive me.....what to do in such a situation...... please guide me papa....

GOD Shiva
Point of Light, Supreme Home, Incorporeal world
Soundless, Motionless non Physical world
Beyond sun , moon, stars, planets.

Where to post...Go to kitchen, burn it and flow in sink. No one can read it except GOD. The content reaches as soon as you write. He does not need eyes for this task. It is instant process. He will take his time in taking any action. On appropriate and accurate time. Write only the truth. Be willing to mend your ways. Do not ask for anything undue, the things you do not deserve. Keep writing. Make it a habit of writing daily when you are alone. others around you will disturb and distract you. Give full attention to the letter.

Then wait for the magic.....

Thursday 3 October 2019

Attachment with 'MINE'

Mine is.......
Whatever belongs to me,
whatever I consider as mine,
whatever I possess,
whatever i have created, whichever is my own creation, of which I am the creator,
whatever I own, I am the owner
with whomsoever I am related.
I develop attachment with these 'MINE's.
Then I become biased about these. My behaviour becomes biased. I take biased decisions. I try to benefit these 'MINE's. More benefit than others' things. I forget equality. I forget others' rights. I forget humanity.
I feel pain when MINE is hurt or damaged or taken away. I feel less pain when the same happens with others.
I feel that......
My relative should get a job earlier than others, No matter others deserve it first. No matters others are more deserving. No matter others are waiting for a longer time. No matter others are more needy.

My creation, my students' creation, my relatives creation, my college's creation, my department's creation, my institutes creation.................should get the first prize. Becaused I have a biased eye. I see my things as more beautiful and better. I lose the power of fair judgement.

Yes it very difficult to come out of it. But PRACTICE, REVISE, PRACTICE.

Monday 22 February 2016

Is the work burden real?

When a person shouts on assigning a new work we should try to understand the reason. Chronic feeling of stress may lead to depression. He may be needing a long holiday, a counsellor or a doctor.

Are we good?

When people are in extreme stress, the soul is in unrest and distress. Then they are not able to judge situations and people's behaviour accurately. Our self love motivates us to feel that we are right and others do not understand us and thus it gives pain to us. Actually our eye is not able to see the goodness in the apparently bad people. We are not kind enough to do this. We are not peaceful enough to be kind for others.