Thursday 10 December 2015

विचारों की गति / Speed of thoughts

Calm the racing THOUGHTS. Racing thoughts are tiring.
Large number of thoughts running in the mind results in messing up, confusion, reduced concentration, slower decision making, reduced efficiency, irritability, anxiety, stress, head spin, burning sensation in brain's top, headache, migraine, blocking of mind and depression or insanity in long run.
What else?
Vegetarian food.
Remembering God.
Calming music.

Monday 23 November 2015

कर्म पर ही अधिकार है।

अर्थ है की कर्म पर ही नियंत्रण है, फल  मिलता है किन्तु  उसका रूप  व समय हम निर्धारित नहीं कर सकते।  
Karmanyevadhikaaraste--The right sense of it.
This Bhagvat Geeta's Shloka is usually misunderstood.

World's most stable mind.

In 1978, Scientists at the Medical and Science Research Institute at the University of Texas, USA examined the brain wave pattern of Dadi Janki. She was described as the most stable mind in the world as her mental state remained completely undisturbed even while performing complicated mental exercises. 
The EEG (Electroencephalogram) of that lady continuously showed delta waves, while she was cooking, while eating, while giving lecture, while doing arithmetical calculations, while talking, while sleeping, all the time. 
She is now 100 yrs old.

Satyam-Shivam -Sundaram

Statues are of deities (Devi devta).

Thursday 19 November 2015

Raj Yoga-Magic of remembering of God

पूजा पाठ नहीं बल्कि लगातार ईश्वर की याद हमें सौभाग्यशाली बनाती है, हमारा चरित्र सुधारती है, हमें सम्माननीय बनती है, शांति व ख़ुशी लाती है, हमें सुरक्षित रखती है, हमरी कार्यक्षमता बढाती है और जीवन को आसान व बेहतर बनती है.

शुभकामना- अर्थ /Good wishes for all

In the present age of Kalyuga all souls are like dried up flowers. 
We should water them all with our good wishes.
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina sarve Bhavantu Niramaya- May all be happy and healthy.
When people around us will be happy and peaceful only then they will allow us to be happy and peaceful.

The sixteen arts (सोलह कलाएँ)

How many arts have you mastered?

As a soul increases its duration of connecting with God through meditation, various arts start emerging from within.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Lose inner weight and fly

What makes us (soul) heavy ?
  • Jealousy and Anger
  • Repenting on past
  • Attachment with things and people.
  • Hurt which is always created by our ego, others are only stimuli.
  • Loss - monitory or other
  • Expectations from others and self. 
  • Not accepting circumstances and people as they are.
  • Not forgiving

Emotional blockages

Emotional blockages are your suppressed or unexpressed emotions. Emotional blockages stop your progress, block your improvements and make you unhappy or miserable. They make your innerself stuck to the past. They may be your failures, your guilts / wrong doings, breakups with certain people and other such events which make you sorrowful whenever you recall. Many times you may not be able to recall but feel uneasy without any reason. Meditation helps you know 'what is actually bothering you.'

Saturday 31 October 2015

Subjects of Rajyoga Meditation

  1. Gyan- True Godly Knowledge is gained through listening to daily spiritual lessons (Gods Versions). Then you become a godly student.
  2. Yog- Connecting to GOD by remembering Him using correct procedure i.e. knowing self, knowing God's true identity (name, occupation, address, etc). Yog will give power to purify, power to change.
  3. Dharana- Trying to be a perfect soul by emerging all the 8 powers and 32 virtues.
  4. Sewa- After learning you will share it with the people you care for. You will send good wishes to the whole world. You will contribute to the running of the Godly mission. It will further help your elevation.
AIM- Purification of all souls and Bringing Paradise on Earth. 

Watch only good things

Whatever we see and hear becomes a part of our consciousness. We should take care what we see and hear in a day. When Gandhi Ji said "Bura mat dekho, Bura mat suno" he meant - See only good, listen only good. 'Awakening with Brahmakumaris' is one of the best things to watch. 
It is at Peace of Mind channel. It is an eye opener, myth breaker and highly convincing programme. Sister Shivani is like one of the best counsellors of this world. She is a gold medallist Engineer. 

Thursday 29 October 2015

'Peace of Mind, Channel

The PEACE OF MIND channel shows programmes on meditation, Soul, God, Improving Human behaviour, Positive changes in the world, self management, stress management, happiness, relationship management, etc. The channel is rapidly gaining popularity.

वापस लौटते कर्म /Karma- The Boomerang

What ever we THINK, SPEAK and DO is our KARMA. Every deed comes back just like a boomrang. Every action has equal and opposite reaction - Science principle.
May take few hours, few days, few months or few years or more than one life / birth- whenever the opportunity is there.
Whatever happens to us in our life is certainly deserved by us. We are just not able to identify our Karma responsible for it. 
How we treat others is our Karma and how they react is their Karma. 
How we think about others is also our Karma , so we should think before we think. 
How we respond to others words and actions is also our Karma, so we should respond in a best possible way irrespective of the others' actions or words. 
Note- Pic has been taken from some one else.

Sow and Reap / जो बोना वही काटना

Whatever we send comes back to us, the form may be changed.
We may be free to make choices but we are never free from the consequences of our choices. Whatever we send to environment it certainly comes back to us like a boomerang. 
When we send love, love comes back. If we send hate, hatred comes back. Others' brains are able to sense whatever we think of them inside us. So they respond in the similar way as we do. When we say something to others the reply comes in the same tone. 
When we send plentiful love (mentally) others will not be able to hate. Similarly when we hate others, it is very difficult for others to send love to us.
When we give pains to others it will one day or the other certainly come back. As we are not aware and also we forget our deeds, we may not be able to find out the reason of that pain coming to us. 

 बोया पेड़ बबूल का आम कहाँ से होय .

Sunday 25 October 2015

शक्तिशाली मैं / Be a powerful soul

Every soul should know its own powers. In our busy lives we forget our powers and live as victims of circumstances.
Application of these powers makes our life easier, beautiful and better. 
The soul with these power improves life of self and others.
These powers are identified, emerged and  polished / refined / developed further by Raj Yog meditation.

Monday 12 October 2015

रावण मेरे भीतर /Evils are in mind

Every one of thinks himself as a very good persons and think of others as full of imperfections. All the time we keep thinking and saying that the other person 'should be like this.' The fact is that everyone including us is full of imperfections. This is the age of vices and we are finding it difficult to eradicate the social evils. This is because nobody is working on improving the self but is working on surroundings. 
A long term practice of meditation makes it possible to realize that we had multiple faults within us but we were thinking for whole life that we were correct. When this realization comes we start transforming ourselves. Influenced by our own change the surroundings begin the change. 

Saturday 10 October 2015

Meditation means only profit

Meditation heals our mind as well as body. It removes our moral impurities, improves behaviour, boosts confidence, enhances personality. It calms the mind and beautifies the soul as well as body.

Thoughts make noise/ विचारों का शोर

When too many thoughts come to our mind we become mentally exhausted. Thoughts consume our precious mental energy. Less number of thoughts is perceived as silence and peace. Meditation strengthens our mental brakes. Powerful brakes means better control over thoughts i.e. control over self. We will think what we want and will not think what we don't want.

Meditation in pregnancy

The soul who is still in the womb goes through the same mental state as the mother. It feels all that is felt by mother. Thoughts created by mother affect the mother as well as the child. So it is important to take care that what you are doing with your baby, who bears all that is happening around you. 

A mother should take care that....
  • She meets and lives in company of only positive, friendly and loving people. 
  • She sees visuals which are free from evils - e.g. anger, fear, violence, sex, hatred, jealousy. 
  • Read spiritual and moral literature e.g. Scriptures, Biographies of great people.
  • Eat Saatvik food.
  • Listen spiritual songs that are soothing and calming.
  • Remembers God all the time doing any work.

These precautions will purify and strengthen the soul in the womb. The newborn will be a righteous, happy, calm and gentle personality.

Mother will also be benefited. The pregnancy will be a happier and healthier period for her.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

ईश्वर ज्योतिस्वरूप है /Every religion says- GOD is light.

Every religion agrees that God is light. Do we remember Him as light? Why not? 
God says - 'I never take birth. Remember me in my real form i.e. of light, not in body forms. ' 
Source of pic.- www.truthof

मुझ आत्मा के विभाग /Faculties of I the soul

Mind -        creates thoughts and their counter thoughts, 
Intellect -   decides 'to do' or 'not to do', 
Subconscious / Personality traits/ Sanskaars / Deep impressions of past -          play a major role in decision making by the Intellect.

Monday 5 October 2015

विचारों के प्रकार/Types of thoughts

Toxic thoughts kill us, negative thoughts wound us, waste thoughts consume our energy, ordinary are neither profit nor loss, necessary thoughts are helpful, positive thoughts heal us and elevated thoughts heal the mankind. 
So .........
check the quality of your thoughts 
think before you think.

Friday 2 October 2015

Do not miss any invitation to learn meditation.

Someone will hold our hand and guide us to a meditation service centre. We go appreciate and never go again. 
Someone will drop a godly invitation in our letter box. We just read it casually and leave it in the pile of old newspapers.
Someone will give in our hand a beautiful pamphlet. We read it non seriously and throw it in the dust bin. 
We say we don't have time, but we always have it for our priorities.
We say we do not need it, but we actually need it and we do not know the need.
We say O this is nothing important just a time pass activity for idle people.

We tend to reject things without even knowing and without even trying. 
The result .....


Wednesday 23 September 2015

Raj Yoga method- Connect to GOD

Think yourself a soul , a tiny point of light and remember GOD as a tiny point of light. The moment you do so you become connected to him........
  • Energy / powers start flowing from Him to You. 
  • The purifying process of the soul starts automatically. Virtues start pouring in replacing the evils or weaknesses.
  • Fortune comes and brings bliss, peace, love, happiness, etc. with it.
  • We start getting more than what can we imagine.
अंतर्मुखी हो कर, स्वयं को ज्योतिबिंदु आत्मा समझ कर , ज्योतिबिंदु परमात्मा को याद करते ही हम उससे जुड़ जाते हैं और .....
  • उसकी शक्तियों का प्रवाह हम में होने लगता है. 
  • इससे आत्मा का शुद्धिकरण होता है. अवगुण बाहर होने लगते हैं और गुणों का आगमन होता है. 
  • भाग्य का उदय होता है और सुख- शांति,  प्रेम व आनंद की अनुभूतियाँ बढ़ने लगती हैं.
  • हमें उससे भी अधिक मिलने लगता है जितनी  हम उम्मीद करते हैं. 

Tension Free Life

Friday 18 September 2015

Why we worship?

मोक्ष, मुक्ति, जीवन मुक्ति Liberation

Moksh means freedom of human soul from the cycle of birth and death. When we agree that soul is eternal then it is bound to take birth. So thinking of Moksh is impractical.

Mukti means freedom of human soul from the current cycle of births and reaching GOD's home which is human souls' own real and original home. Here the souls do not have power of thinking and expressing themselves. It can not think or do anything, just stays near GOD. The stage of Mukti is also not for ever. After recharge and some rest in peace the soul has to take birth on earth.

Jeevan Mukti means complete freedom of human soul from pains and sorrows while still living in its body. This is the state of real and pure happiness for the soul. This state is attained in the beginning of a fresh or new cycle of births i.e. Satyug- The Golden World, Heaven on earth, the Paradise.

So Human souls should strive for Jeevan Mukti not for Moksh.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Be ego-less, be vice-less

Our Ego says......
How can one say these words to me? 
How can one misunderstand me? 
How can one think wrong of me?
How can one disrespect me?

These thoughts are followed by pain and hurt.


Tuesday 8 September 2015

Raj Yoga-How to remember GOD?

Remember GOD as told below.

To experience BLISS consider Him your child and play with him.
To become KNOWLEDGEful make Him your teacher, ask his opinion before any decision.
To experience PEACE think as if He is your mother and you are in his lap.
To experience LOVE make Him your Sajan / Beloved / Lover.
To experience JOY consider Him your companion / friend and talk your heart to him. 
To attain PURITY let Him become your preceptor / spiritual guide / Satguru.
To get POWERS remember him as your father and get powers similar to Him.

Angel , Farishta

Who is an angel / Farishta?

Angel is one who is light because---

  • He is not hurt, whatever is said to him, because he is ego-less and he forgives easily. He does not have expectations or demands from others.
  • He is not heavy with past's  memories.
  • He is not worried about future.
  • He surrenders everything to GOD.
  • He helps everybody, does not hurt anybody, therefore is loved by everybody.
  • He thinks himself a soul and is not body conscious.
  • He thinks himself GOD's child. So he always tries to attain godly virtues and remains away from worldly evils / vices.
  • Who is always remembering GOD Shiva- the supreme father, the supreme soul.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Concentrate on changing yourself - see others changing.

स्वयम परिवर्तन से विश्व परिवर्तन 

हम दूसरों से बदलने की उम्मीद करते हैं. कई बार तो पूरी उम्र उन्हें बदलने के प्रयासों में लगे रहते हैं. हमें लगता है हम तो ठीक हैं अगर दूसरे सुधर जाएं तो जीवन ठीक चले. लेकिन हमें स्वयं को दूसरों की नजरों से भी देखना होगा. वे भी हमारे बारे में ऐसा ही सोचते हैं. 
यह भी सच है कि हमें परिवर्तित होते देख दूसरे भी परिवर्तित होने लगते हैं. खरबूजे को देख खरबूजा रंग बदलता है.
एक एक व्यक्ति कर के हर व्यक्ति के स्वयं परिवर्तन से ही विश्व परिवर्तन सम्भव होता है.
लाल बहादुर वर्मा ने अपने लेख 'अपने को गंम्भीरता से लें' (अहा ज़िन्दगी) में इसे ऐसे कहा है-
एक सूफी कहावत है कि खुद को बेहतर बनाना ही बेहतर दुनियां बनाने की और पहला कदम होता है. अपने को बेहतर बनाने के लिए ज़रूरी है नकारात्मक को कम करते जाना और सकारात्मक को संजोते संवारते जाना. अपने गुण दोष, सही गलत, दुःख सुख के लिए पहले खुद को जांचना फिर आनुवंशिकता को, फिर पालन पोषण को, फिर शिक्षा दीक्षा को, फिर मित्र शत्रु को और अंत में सरकार/व्यवस्था को. बाहरी कारणों का तो कुछ कर पाना मुश्किल होता है. व्यवस्था परिवर्तन में समय लगता है. परन्तु स्वं के परिवर्तन का काम तो तत्काल प्रारंभ किया जा सकता है. खुद को संवार कर हम असल में समाज के प्रति अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी निभाते हैं.
किसी बदलाव का कुछ तयशुदा नुस्खा नहीं, लेकिन
बदल पाता है जो खुद को वही सबको बदलता है.- महेश अश्क  

Friday 26 June 2015

मानसिक प्रदूषण /Mental Pollution


Why do we worship?

हम पूजा - अर्चना क्यों करते हैं?

हमने उन व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं कि पूजा की -
  • जिन्हें हम अपने से श्रेष्ठ मानते हैं (उनके सदगुणों के कारण उनके प्रति प्रेम और सम्मान दर्शाने के लिए).
  • जिन्हें हम अपना पूर्वज मान कर सम्मान देते हैं (बताने के लिए कि हम उन्हें याद करते हैं और ये मानते हुए कि पूर्वज हमारे संरक्षक हैं, वे अब भी हमारी मदद कर सकते हैं).
  • जिन पर हमारी किसी न किसी रूप में निर्भरता है (उनके प्रति अपनी कृतज्ञता जताने के लिए और ताकि उनसे होने वाली प्राप्तियाँ न रुकें ).
  • आराध्य वस्तु का संरक्षण हो पाएगा इसलिए भी जैसे प्रकृति के पांच तत्व व  पशु पक्षी- ये पूजनीय होंगे तो इंसान  इन्हें  हानि नहीं पहुँचाएँगे. 
  • जिन से हम भयभीत होते हैं (उनके नाराज़ होने से हमारा नुक्सान हो सकता है).
  • हम जीवन में कोई न कोई कमी महसूस करते हैं या जो सुख शांति हमारे पास है उसके खो जाने का भय है. कहते हैं न दुःख में सुमिरन सब करें, सुख में करे न कोय.
इन सब कारणों के चलते द्वापर युग से अब तक बढ़ते बढ़ते पूजनीय चीज़ों कि संख्या में वृद्धि हुई है. 
देवी देवताओं के रूप में हम ने श्रेष्ठ राजाओं को पूजा, उनके वाहनों के रूप में हमने पशु - पक्षियों को पूजा, पृथ्वी - जल- अग्नि- वायु- आकाश को पूजा, वृक्षों- नदियों- पहाड़ों को पूजा, धर्म ग्रंथों को पूजा, इंसानी शक्तियों को पूजा, धन को- विद्या को पूजा, कन्या- माता - पिता- गुरु - कुल देवताओं को पूजा, साधू- सन्यासी- महापुरुषों को पूजा, पत्थरों और कब्रों को पूजा.  अब तो हम फिल्मों के नायक नायिकाओं के भी मन्दिर बनाए लगे हैं.
ये सब करते करते हम अजन्मे, अशरीरी, प्रकाश स्वरूप , परम पिता, गुणों के सागर, सर्वशक्तिमान परम आत्मा को भूल तो नहीं गए जिन्हें हम ईश्वर, अल्लाह, प्रभु और भगवान भी कहते हैं.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Recharge yourself

हर दिन के काम काज और मेल जोल के बाद हमारी आत्मिक बैटरी डिस्चार्ज हो जाती है. परमात्मा कि प्रेम भरी याद में बैठ हम मानो अपना रूहानी चार्जर एक अलौकिक प्लग में लगा देते हैं और ईश्वर अपनी ताकत से हमें भर  देते है. उस ताकत से हम अगले दिन के क्रियाकलापों और मेलजोल को अच्छी रीति निभा पाते हैं तथा स्वयम को और औरों को संतुष्ट कर पाते हैं. 

Wednesday 24 June 2015

श्रेष्ठ दान Donation, Charity, Giving

  • दान करने की आदत विकसित करने से हम अपनी लोभ और संग्रह वृति को कम कर पाते हैं. As a result of donating our feelings of greed and collection reduce. 
  • दान करने से त्याग, संतोष , सामर्थ्य और भरपूरता के भाव पैदा होते हैं. Feelings of prosperity emerge. 
  • दान किया अर्थात उसे अपना नहीं ईश्वर का माना.
  • अपनी उदारता और त्याग भावना हमें अपने प्रति सम्मान से भरती है. Our self respect increases.
  • हमें देख अन्य  लोग व अगली पीढ़ी  भी दान करने को प्रेरित होते  है. The next generations are inspired by us.
  • दान करने के समय ईश्वर का धन्यवाद करें कि आपको उसने इतना दिया कि किसी के साथ बाँट सकें. thank God that He has given you opportunity to donate and he has enabled you to donate.
  • दान देने के बाद उसे याद न रखें अन्यथा या तो त्याग ही हुआ नहीं या फिर अहंकार हो गया. Forget after donating otherwise pride will emerge.
  • दान देकर वापस लेने का न सोचें. एक बार दिया तो दूसरे का हुआ. Never take back the donated thing. 
  • अगर सुख पाने हेतु पुण्य संचित करना है तो दान देकर अन्य लोगों के सामने उसे बातें या गाएं नहीं. आपकी प्रशंसा हुई मन दान का फल मिल गया बस और कुछ नहीं.Never publicize yourself  as a donor. 
  • प्याऊ बनवाया, कमरा बनवाया, धर्मशाला बनवाई, स्कूल या अस्पताल बनवाया और उस पर अपना नाम लिखवा दिया तो आपके नाम का गायन होता रहेगा. यही गायन ही फल होगा और कोई पुण्य संचित नहीं होगा. Never get your name written on the things donated by you. 
  • अतः गुप्त दान ही  सर्वश्रेष्ठ दान होता है. Secret charity is the best. 

धन दान से भी श्रेष्ठ हैं ज्ञान दान, गुण दान, स्नेह दान, सुख दान, शांति दान, दया दान, क्षमा दान और ख़ुशी दान. 
Giving or donating knowledge, affection, virtues, happiness, peace, kindness and forgiveness is better than donating money. 

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Face to face with GOD.

Rajyog meditation means 
  • Remembering GOD by considering ourself  a soul not a body, 
  • Talking to Him face to face, telling him what is going on inside you, your mind
  • Confessing your mistakes
  • Asking forgiveness for wrong doings
  • Making promise - not to repeat the mistakes
  • Pledging to become worthy of His love
  • Taking oath to mend your ways.

How we the souls resemble GOD - our father?

GOD is a point of light - soul is also a point of light.

GOD is 
Ocean of LOVE, 
Ocean of PEACE, 
Ocean of POWER, 
Ocean of BLISS, 
Ocean of PURITY, 
Ocean of HAPPINESS and 
Ocean of KNOWLEDGE. 

He, the supreme soul, our supreme beloved FATHER fills  us (the human souls) with his own qualities as we are his children. We have right to these qualities. 

Friday 19 June 2015

Where I stay in my body?

Location / seat / position of soul in my body.

In a mirror, I do not see myself but the reflection of my body. I the soul look through the windows of the eyes from a place inside the head. It is in the area of the brain housing the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands.  This region is known as the seat of the soul or the third eye.  Soul's thought energy connects it with the body. It controls the body using the nervous system and the harmonal system.
Brain's Image from www.
Soul -Near about the place where star is shown in the centre.

From the front, this region appears to be between and slightly above the line of the eyebrows.  The Hindus use a Tilak, a dot in red (Bindi) or sandalwood paste in the middle of the forehead.  This is important to know for meditation purposes because it is the place to which attention is first directed to concentrate the thoughts. 
Heart is affected by thoughts, emotion and feelings but these are not generated in Heart. The physical heart is just a pump for blood, chief part of circulatory system.  It can even be transplanted!  But brain can not be transplanted.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Who am I ?

I the soul.
Soul is a unique spiritual energy that manifests itself through a physical body. It needs body to express itself and live a life on this earth. When one body becomes ill, damaged or old it leaves the body and take birth with a new body. Body can not operate without a soul in it. As the we the souls possess the bodies its our duty to take care of our body which is our packaging / dress / home / vehicle. As soul can not be contained by walls it can enter and leave body through anywhere. Nothing can come in its way.