Saturday 13 June 2015

Sweetness/ मधुरता

मीठी बानी बोलिये मन का आपा खोय , औरन को शीतल करे आपहुं शीतल होय 

Sweetness of voice is admired by all. It is a virtue that is not difficult to cultivate. Our voice, speech or talk should have a quality that the listener becomes peaceful and happy and his or her face expressions should become cheerful and satisfied. 

Sweet speech is identified by positive, complimenting, encouraging and affectionate words; gestures and words suggesting regard and respect. The sweet voice will have softness, low to medium volume and a comparatively slow uttering.

We should take care that the sweetness of voice should be backed by the sweetness of heart otherwise our behaviour will appear artificial. 

When we speak with love, affection and respect in our heart the words will be sweet for example the words of motivation, sympathy, gratitude and appreciation. Whereas the words spoken with the stimulus of anger, jealousy, ego, etc. can never be sweet e.g. ridicule, taunt, criticism, scolding and impressing forcefully.

When we expect others to speak sweetly and politely to us, others also have same expectation from us. When we are sweet others are compelled to return the same sweetness. 

Sweetness of talk brings sweet results. Sweetness wins hearts. Sweetness makes the business run. We will earn blessings of others. We will not create negative behavioural accounts with others. Relationships will be beautiful. We will earn respect and cooperation. Number of enemies will reduce and friends list will expand. When loved by all we will be happier and life will be easy and beautiful.

Sweetness of conversation should be worked upon. When we will consider all human beings belonging to one family whose head is God then we will have affection for all. Reducing ego and being humble sweetens our voice. When we learn to be appreciative we automatically become sweet. When we will not be revengeful but friendly it will reflect in our voice. Always keeping the feel of satisfaction and mercy for others cools our talk. Learning to be soul conscious and continuously remembering God will give us control on ourselves and our speech.

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